Find the Best Medicaid Planning Attorneys in Pinellas

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30th Oct 2016

Our Medicaid Planning attorneys play a pivotal role during the discussion of long-term care and nursing home care. Families face difficult decisions and they often seek the recommendation of family, friends, or the nursing home administration to help them transition a loved one into a nursing home.

This transition is often emotional and challenging for the entire family. The financial aspect of nursing home care quickly becomes a very important issue. How do we pay for nursing home care? How long before the money runs out?

When faced with the financial reality of the cost of nursing home care, finding the best legal advice is extremely important. Not all attorneys have the background or knowledge to quickly assist families with the financial quicksand they are facing. How can people find the best Medicaid Planning attorneys in Pinellas County?

There are many fine Medicaid Planning attorneys in Pinellas County. Not all attorneys are qualified to provide appropriate advice regarding Medicaid Planning. Below are a few helpful tips to consider when looking for an attorney to help with Medicaid Planning in Pinellas.

• Does the Medicaid Planning attorney have experience in this field?
• How many Medicaid plans has the attorney completed?
• Is the attorney able to answer basic Medicaid Planning questions regarding eligibility?
• Have clients provided positive reviews of the Medicaid Planning attorney?

The benefits of proper Medicaid Planning and the speed at which they are completed can provide enormous asset protection benefits. Before you retain a lawyer in Pinellas County to complete your Medicaid Planning, consider how hiring a less experienced or cheaper attorney will affect your finances.

What happens if the less experienced attorney fails to get you qualified for Medicaid benefits? Or how will their inexperience and low cost affect your finances (extra costs of nursing home care) if they are slow in applying or have to research issues causing delays in applying for Medicaid benefits? Each month of a delay could costs thousands upon thousands of dollars.

Avoid a common mistake and find the best Medicaid Planning attorney in Pinellas. Ask the right questions and make the best decision you can. The attorneys at Rooth & Rooth have combined legal experience of well over 80 years. To find out more about our Medicaid Planning attorneys call our office today at 727-397-4768 and schedule a time to discuss your asset protection needs.

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