Florida Last Will and Testament Drafting Considerations
By : Ryan Rooth |Category : Estate Planning, Last Will and Testament | Comments Off on Florida Last Will and Testament Drafting Considerations
1st Mar 2017
Deciding how to divide your estate assets can be very stressful for people. Our Seminole elder law attorney’s see clients struggle to make what they believe is the right decision. A Florida Last Will and Testament documents your final estate wishes.
As attorneys, we often times look at things in a different light. When we probate the estate of a decedent, we get the insider view of the inner workings of a family. We see the good, the bad and the ugly!
When drafting your Florida Last Will and Testament carefully think through your decision and consider how it will impact your family. Your Last Will and Testament can provide a Band-Aid to a wounded family or it can act as a sword that severs the vital family unity you thought you instilled in your children.
No two families are alike and each family has its own unique issue. Discuss your situations with your estate planning attorney as you go through the process of drafting your last will and testament. When you discuss these family issues, your Seminole estate planning attorney is able to provide guidance on how to address your situation or your attorney may provide legal advice on what not to do.
Florida Last Will and Testament Missteps:
Avoiding estate planning missteps is as important as estate planning itself. Drafting your last will and testament with a Seminole lawyer is one step in the right direction.
The second step, make your decisions without overthinking things. Don’t focus on which family member is ‘well off’ or which family member has a ‘rich father or mother –in-law’. The perception of people’s lives are often times not as perfect as you think or perceive them to be, or that perfect life could come crashing down at any moment.
Take the advice I give my Seminole elder law clients. Your last will and testament should focus on the legacy and future family that continues to represent you long after your death. Let our Seminole, Florida elder law attorneys help you draft a last will and testament that strengthens your family and continues your legacy by calling 727-397-4768 today to schedule your appointment.