It’s Too Hot!: How Extreme Temperatures Can Lead to Nursing Care Neglect
By : Ryan Rooth |Category : News | Comments Off on It’s Too Hot!: How Extreme Temperatures Can Lead to Nursing Care Neglect
19th Oct 2023
Extreme heat can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, oftentimes leaving individuals feeling faint or ill. Although extreme temperatures pose notable risks for everyone, the elderly are more susceptible to the effects than any other age group. With the prevalence of nursing homes neglecting the risks associated with extreme temperatures on the elderly, the need for legal guidance arises.
How Does Extreme Heat Affect the Elderly?
When exposed to extreme heat, our blood vessels dilate, causing a rapid decrease in body temperature. As a response, our bodies divert more blood to the skin, allowing the blood vessels to constrict and body temperatures to regulate. For the elderly, this process is slower, as their bodies lack the same ability to regulate their body temperature as younger age groups. Occurring naturally with age, a lower pulse rate coupled with a decreased ability to sweat often contributes to this delay in body temperature regulation.
Nursing Home Neglect of Extreme Temperatures
The neglect of the elderly in nursing homes during heat waves is a critical concern. When temperatures exceed 90 degrees, risks of heatstroke and dehydration pose a threat to the elderly. While many states prohibit the placement of elders in a nursing home lacking air conditioning, improper staff training, malfunctioning equipment inside of the nursing home, and inadequate emergency backups often lead to heat-related injuries.
The Importance of Elder Law Attorney Services
Elder law attorneys have extensive experience providing support to families in nursing home abuse cases. Knowledgeable on elderly rights, the lawyers at Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys offer legal services to individuals suffering from nursing home injuries caused by:
- Medical neglect
- Negligent staff training
- Failure to provide basic needs, such as food and water
- Exposure to dangerous physical restraints
- Failure to protect residents from health and safety hazards
Learn More About How Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys Can Help
To ensure you have the proper tools to protect the elderly against nursing care neglect, contact our attorneys at Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys at 727-513-8629 today.