Become Aware, Advance Directives and the Fight Against Cancer

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24th Mar 2017

Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys and Relay for Life: Do you have advance directives

On March 31, 2017, Rooth & Rooth Attorneys at Law will educate and raise awareness on the importance of advance directives through our sponsorship of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. At 6 p.m., participants for the Relay for Life begin their fundraising efforts at Seminole High School located at 8400 131st Street, Seminole, Florida.

Relay for Life is a fundraising event to help financially support and continue the fight for a cancer cure. It is also an event which brings people together for a common cause. The common cause is cancer and this walk is a reminder that the fight is not over. For some participants, the Relay for Life is therapeutic and helps them recognize they are not alone.

As elder law attorneys we are proud to have this opportunity to support the Seminole Relay for Life. This sponsorship is an opportunity to educate the participants on the importance of legal planning and advance directives.

According to a study published in the January 2014 edition of American Journal of Preventative Medicine, Completion of Advance Directives Among U.S. Consumers, approximately 26% of those responding had an advance directive. Why only 26%? According to the study, the “Lack of awareness was the most frequently reported reason”.

What are Advance Directives?

Advance Directives are legal documents allowing you to designate agents for your health care and financial decisions. Advance Directives are:

  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Health Care Surrogate
  • Living Will

Why Advance Directives?

Forbes published an interesting article by Debbie Reslock, Don’t Let Fear Stop You From End-Of-Life Planning. She discussed her first hand struggle with advance directives and she encourages people to take time and complete advance directives. She made a great point that thinking about advance directives may worry you but you must also consider the benefit and security they provide you and your loved ones.

In the big picture, the fight against cancer is tough on so many levels and can affect the entire family. Advance directives are legal tools for the fight. The benefits of good legal planning reduce stress and anxiety. They allow you and your family to focus on the real fight.

Put your worries aside and plan. If not for yourself then do it for your loved ones. Call Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys for more information or call 727-397-4768 to schedule an appointment with our Seminole lawyers.

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