The Medicaid Application Process

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23rd Feb 2024

If you are considering applying for Medicaid and hiring an elder law attorney to assist you in that process, it is best if you have your attorney handle the application process from start to end. Medicaid application is detail and paper intensive. It is ideal to have one party organize the financial documents and records from the beginning so that everything remains accurate and in order. This article is intended to give you a brief overview of what the Medicaid application process entails and how Rooth Law Group can be of service.

Applying for Medicaid begins with the filing of a Request for Assistance form and a permission form that allows the Department of Children and Families access to your financial records. The applicant must also provide documentation from a physician establishing that he or she is “medically needy,” as required under law. The Request of Assistance form can be filed in any Department of Children and Families office in the State of Florida, regardless of whether the applicant lives.

The applicant usually receives a decision letter from the Department of Children and Families about two months after he or she applies. In the event the applicant wishes to dispute the decision, he or she may appeal the decision at a hearing upon request. The hearing is conducted by a hearing officer who reviews the relevant documents, records, and evaluates the issues. The hearing officer then makes a decision and informs the applicant of his or her reasoning. If the applicant receives another unfavorable decision, he or she can then appeal the decision to the Florida appellate court.

In the event you hire the Rooth Law Group, we will assist you throughout the Medicaid application process. Often, preparing the application is a difficult task for any individual to tackle on their own, but especially if they are elderly. It is important that the applicant does not overlook or hide any income or assets and compile all their financial records in an easy-to-access manner.

We assist in gathering and organizing the required documentation in a manner that is preferred to the ESS Specialist you are dealing with. The more detailed, accurate, and organized you are in your application, the more likely you are sooner able to get a response from the Department of Children and Families on their decision for your Medicaid application. If you have questions about whether you are eligible or would like to start your Medicaid application process, please contact Rooth Law Group today.

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