Support Pinellas Elves for Elders
By : Ryan Rooth |Category : News | Comments Off on Support Pinellas Elves for Elders
4th Nov 2015
Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys is proud to announce that our office is an official gift drop-off location for the Pinellas Elves for Elders program. Pinellas Elves for Elders provides Christmas and holiday season gifts to seniors who are low-income or isolated/lonely. Elves for Elders tries to bring seasonal joy to seniors in Pinellas County. Many of those seniors would be otherwise forgotten, but Pinellas Elves for Elders is trying to make sure no senior in our community is forgotten during the 2015 holiday season.
If you know of an elderly friend or family member who could use some holiday cheer, visit the Pinellas Elves for Elders website for more information regarding the program.
If you want to contribute Christmas or seasonal cheer to a “forgotten” senior, visit one of many local “Tree” locations. It is as easy as picking a name from the tree, buying the gift and dropping the gift off at one of several drop off locations. Your simple gift will provide holiday cheer to an otherwise lonely senior in our community.
Spread the word to your friends, family and post this on Facebook to help support this great program. Rooth & Rooth Elder Law Attorneys is honored to be among many great organizations and businesses contributing to the success of the annual Pinellas Elves for Elders program. Let’s bring cheer and joy to these seniors in our community! THANK YOU FOR BEING AN ELF!!!!!